I’ll Help You Shine Online

Imagine that today an incredible contact or potential client views your LinkedIn profile. 

You can spend hours fretting over your website copy but LinkedIn is the place where you’ll be found. It’s the number 1 personal branding platform and the largest professional network with 1 billion members! 

“In order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen, really seen.”

Brené Brown

Jen Corcoran – LinkedIn Consulting – LinkedIn Training – LinkedIn Expert

Feel reinvigorated and confident

Hi, I’m Jen and I’m known as the Super Connector.

I help female coaches, consultants and creatives attract ideal clients on LinkedIn without having to pay for advertising or do spammy cold outreach.  I specialise in helping fellow introverts, empaths and HSPs.

If hustle and hype leaves you feeling cold and stuck, I’m your gal!

With my authority marketing 4-stage PACT™ framework, I help super boost your LinkedIn profile, make genuine connections and attract clients in a way that feels aligned, easy and fun.

You can have fun on LinkedIn? Who knew!